1. Connected 2. Quarantine 3. זכרנו/Zochreinu 4. Rest 5. השכיבנו/Hashkiveinu 6. מי כמכה/Mi Chamocha 7. לכו/L’chu 8. את איתי/At Iti 9. המחדש/Hamechadesh 10. In the End 11. Love Again
Connected (J. Porat)
Connected even if i don’t see your face
Connected with every choice we make
Impacted by every little thing we do
Can we take care of each other?
Can we follow through?
You say:
Let us reach out, let us connect
don’t detach, tell me what you need
Don’t be afraid, I’ll be here
I’m not gonna walk away
You’re not alone
Keep hanging on
We all belong
we’re all connected
Even if you feel alone
Connected, no, you’re not on your own
Impacted by every little thing we say
Are we really in this together at the end of the day?
You say:
You can share what’s on your mind or be still
I won’t judge if you need a space to be held
Please don’t walk away
We share a common destiny
Be conscious of our responsibility
To care for one another
Quarantine (J. Porat & J. Promis)
I had this year all planned
I had this year prepared
Adventures and affairs
to fly us here and there
Together celebrating
Memories we’d be creating
Somewhere we’d make a toast
To this life built on love
Then suddenly without any why or because
We found ourselves locked down in this great pause
I can’t wait to see you with no screens between us
Put the mask aside now
tell me how we’ve changed
I can’t wait to step out these precious walls that kept me
Sheltered for too long
I hope we get to try
a brand new routine
Out of quarantine
I know to count my blessings
But blessings disappear
Under shadows made of fear
Born from uncertainties
I’d trade my soul to go back for just a moment
To that final starry night
When we laughed until we cried
Remember how it felt to be save in your arms?
Will this go by the wayside?
What will life be made of?
Did God run out of mercy?
Since we burnt all of the gifts that were bestowed upon
But this is another chance
An opportunity for us to try
Zochreinu / זכרינו (J. Porat)
זכרנו לחיים
מלך חפץ בחיים
וכתבנו בספר החיים
למענך אלוהים חיים
Remember us, remember us, remember us for life
And write us in the book of life
Rest (J. Porat & J. Promis)
Despite trouble in the world today
You keep showing up anyway
Open up your eyes
storms brewing in the skies
How can one dare to look away?
You insist we have to live our lives
Despite the dark, hatred and rampant lies
We are still people with passions and with love
we want to feel the sun, the light and love
Happy and carefree again
Just rest, chill
We’re all human beings, so let’s just be free
From worries of the future
Live in the here and now
Baby, let’s just rest
It’s much easier to say, it’s true
When life seems too much to get through
Every day’s a chore
I used to dream of more than just a list of things to do
Pause and think perhaps you have a point
Even if your argument’s a little bit disjointed
But I see, we could try to stop and breathe
‘Cause nothing’s guaranteed
Nothing’s guaranteed at all
Just rest, chill
We’re all human beings so let’s just be free
From regrets of the past
Live in the here and now
Baby, let’s just rest
Have you gotten tired of the strive?
Return to yourself
Won’t you choose life and
Rest in awareness, rest in awareness
Despite constant bombardment
Our soul is what we’re armed with
Of that let’s be aware
Or it’ll burn up in a towering flare
Then waste away, be thrown away, rot away
For something temporary
Hashkiveinu / השכיבנו (J. Porat)
השכיבנו יי אלוהינו לשלום
והעמידנו שומרינו לחיים
ופרוס עלינו סוכת שלומך
ותקננו בעצה טובה מלפניך
והושיענו למען שמך
והגן בעדינו
והסר מעלינו
אויב, דבר וחרב ורעב ויגון
והרחק ממנו עוון ופשע
ובצל כנפיך תסתירנו
כי אל שומרנו ומצילנו אתה
כי אל רחום וחנון אתה
ושמור צאתנו ובואינו לחיים ולשלום
מעתה ועד עולם
ברוך אתה יי הפורש סוכת שלום
עלינו ועל כל עמו ישראל ועל ירושלים
Mi Chamocha / מי כמכה (J. Porat)
מי כמכה באלים יי
מי כמכה נאדר בקדש
נורא תהילות
עושה פלא
מלכותך ראו בניך
בוקע ים לפני משה ומרים
זה אלי ענו ואמרו
יי ימלוך לעולם ועד
Who is like you?
Who is like you
Majestic in holiness
Awesome in splendor
Working wonders
L’chu / לכו (J. Porat)
We all need love
We all need touch
We all need a song to lift our spirits up
We all need to show up, with our joys and our grief and our scars
And lean into a melody to crack open our hearts
We all need love
We all need peace
We need touch
We all need a song to lift our spirits up
לכו נרננה ליי, נרננה
לכו נרננה, נריע
נריע לצור ישענו
נקדמה פניו בתודה
בזמירות נריע לו
At Iti / את איתי (J. Porat)
מאז האירוע השתננו
יש בי צד משלים וצד מתגעגע
זוכרת איך סיכמנו ימים? – את על ספת המיטה
אני רואה אותך כל יום משתקפת
וכל חיבוק וכל מגע
שזורים אצלי בתודעה
אני אסיר תודה על כל מה שנתת לי
את איתי בכל שעה
גם אם מרחב וזמן מפרידים במרוצת השנים את איתי, אני איתך
מה שעבר עבר, הזיכרון נשאר
מבעד להריסות יש תקווה יש חיבור יש מקור שנפתח
אני איתך
כמה טוב שהספקתי לומר לך
שבזכותך חוויתי
אהבה אינסופית
?מאיפה שאבת את הכוח, להמשיך
וכל חיוך וכל דמעה
שזורים אצלי בתודעה אני אסיר תודה על כל מה שנתת לי
Hamechadesh / המחדש (J. Porat)
Renew me (when I’m running on empty)
Renew me (when I’m drowning in uncertainty)
Renew me (when blessings are hard to see)
Renew me (when I’m paralyzed)
פּועֵל גְּבוּרות. עושה חֲדָשׁות. בַּעַל מִלְחָמות. זורֵעַ צְדָקות
הַמְחַדֵּשׁ בְּטוּבו בְּכָל יום תָּמִיד, הַמְחַדֵּשׁ
Renew me (when I’m walking in darkness)
Renew me (when I’m in need of guidance)
מַצְמִיחַ יְשׁוּעות. בּורֵא רְפוּאות. נורָא תְהִלּות. אֲדון הַנִּפְלָאות
Every day we’re renewed again
Renew me, renew my days
Renew my faith
In the End (J, Porat)
In the end
You’ll emerge from this experience
Stronger than before, stronger than before
In the end
You’ll emerge from this experience
Gentler than before, gentler than before
In the end
You’ll emerge from this experience
Wiser than before, wiser than before
I surely hope so
In the end
You’ll emerge from this
With so much more love than before, so much more love than before
Love Again (J. Porat)
You’ve built a wall
A wall so tall
So you’d never get hurt again
There used to be freedom in a melody
Now you think you’ll never dance again
They said you were too sensitive and you took it to heart
But it was never about you, it was never about you
I know you want to shield yourself but
Not everyone’s out to get you
Not everyone’s out to get you
You’re gonna love again
For all of your dreams
They’re all within reach
Like light through the trees
You will shine again
You will love again
That magical thing that lets the hope in
Will happen to you
You’ll give love a chance
You will love again
You hide your light behind your fear
You’re so sure you’ll never trust again
And you believe almost everything you think you know
You think you’ll never belong again
They said you were too insecure as you watched them move on
But it was never about you
It was never about you
You look above there’s only clouds
Oh, how you’ve missed the clear blue skies
I promise you, this too shall pass
And once you’re ready
Maybe not quite as you imagined
Maybe not exactly as you envisioned
You will love again
Buy the album as a physical copy
All songs written by Juval Porat
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 produced, mixed and engineered by Robb Torres;
Guitar & Shruti box by Robb Torres
Track 4 produced, mixed and engineered by Dean Palya
Tracks 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 produced, mixed and engineered by Daniel Feels;
Upright bass & keys on Hamechadesh by Dan Lutz
Percussion on Hamechadesh by Jeff Hooker
Strings on Hashkiveinu performed by the JAC Trio; String arrangement by Juval Porat
Track 9 produced, mixed and engineered by Max Berlin
String arrangement and keys by Max Berlin
Tracks 2, 4 written by Juval Porat and Jose Promis;
Tracks 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 – Hebrew lyrics from the liturgy
Executively produced by Juval Porat
© ℗ 2022 Juval Porat
Published by JAYPO-MUSIC
All tracks mastered by Hans DeKline
Artwork by Oshri HakakGraphic Design by Rüdiger Schlömer
Thank you to my family and friends for your love and support. Thank you to my collaborators for your care, creativity and intuition in producing my music and creating beautiful art for the visuals of my album. Thank you to all my generous Indiegogo Campaign supporters. Thank you Sandy Joseph & Michele Madrigal, Margaret Targove, Rabbi Lisa Edwards & Tracy Moore, Dr. Moshe & Haya Porat, Robert Kunst, Les Zendle & Jerry Hanson, Gerald Noriega, and Cantor Natalie Young – I’m so appreciative of your support!
I hope you enjoy the music as much as I did making it!