Please click here for a program detailing the pieces.
Music: Meir Finkelstein
Lyrics from Exodus 31:16-17
Juval Porat, voice
Diane Lindsay, piano
Music: Noah Aronson
Lyrics from the liturgy
Juval Porat, vocals and guitar
Music: Jordan S. Franzel
Lyrics from the morning liturgy
Juval Porat, voice
Diane Lindsay, piano
Folk melody, adapted by Shira Kline
Lyrics by Shira Kline
Juval Porat, voice and guitar
Music: Max Janowski
Lyrics from the High Holiday liturgy
Juval Porat, voice
Diane Lindsay, piano
Music and English lyrics: Juval Porat
Lyrics from the morning Liturgy
Juval Porat, voice
Produced by Dan Feels and Juval Porat