Selected Writings

The articles below, unless otherwise noted, were published in various communication outlets of congregation Beth Chayim Chadashim.

  • Acknowledging the Good

    Originally published in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Every year during the High Holidays, Jews recite a litany of ways we have fallen short, in a confessional prayer, known as viddui, that is a centerpiece of our Yom Kippur liturgy. This year, we will again reflect on our shortcomings. But one takeaway from the year just…

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  • Pride & Pain

    As our annual Pride parade and celebration dawned this year, our lives were disrupted by a tragic event on the other side of the country. What should have been a time of festivities and coming together joyously in community became a bittersweet and potentially dangerous experience. I went out into the streets to march, but…

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  • Purim

    Erev Yom Kippur 2015 occurred exactly on the first of the last 100 remaining days of 2015. I remember this because I got an email on that day titled “Can you be happy for the last 100 days of 2015?” from 100happydays – a Non-Profit Foundation “on the mission to make the world happier”. In…

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  • The Great Pause

    Possibly none of us could have foreshadowed the length of this “Great Pause”, which we’ve all involuntarily been asked to lean into. I sincerely hope you are all taking care of yourselves and your loved ones. While the scope of those who suffer under this global pandemic can not be downplayed, the conversations, acts of…

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  • Things I Learned from Working with the BCC Choir

    Never underestimate the power of a kind word. Gratitude, a sense of accomplishment, and the trembling caused by musical vibrations are just as much part of a rehearsal cycle as are worry and anxiety. Both make a regular appearance, much like friends you can count on to show up when all else fails. It’s in…

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  • Waking Up to What Is

    The month of Elul calls us to (re)turn toward the High Holidays and all they represent: celebration, creation, introspection, repentance, forgiveness,community, prayer and togetherness.  We prepare ourselves anew to wake up to that of which we remindourselves (at least) yearly: our interconnectedness, our being part of something greater than ourselves, our humanity, our imperfections, our…

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